Mark Gear




  • BASI Ski Instructor, Highest Level 4, ISTD (International Ski Teacher Diploma)
  • Full French Equivalent (Ier degree ski alpin)
  • European Speed Test (Giant Slalom, Eurotest)
  • Level 3 Mountain Safety
  • Alpine Performance Coach
  • Ambassador for FACTION


About Mark Gear:

Mark Gear is one of the world’s leading ski instructors for off-piste skiing, with more than two decades of experience, helping thousands of skiers improve off-piste skiing in Chamonix – the world’s Mecca for off-piste. Having specialised in off-piste and all-mountain ski courses for intermediate, advanced and expert level skiers since 2004, he is one of the most experienced professionals in the industry.

He made Chamonix his home in 1995 and has extensive knowledge of the terrain. He’s also coached skiing throughout the French alps and other alpine nations in Europe.

Mark is qualified to the highest international standard (level 4 ISTD) through BASI (British Association of Snowsport Instructors). He’s also been awarded the full French equivalent of their ski instructor diploma, (BEES I Ski Alpin) having passed the notoriously difficult giant slalom, speed test in France (Euro-test).

His fun and innovative teaching focuses on client’s personal goals, whilst including his unique methodology encouraging control, versatility and individual skier expression. Mark believes this is key to mastering the whole mountain and being able to ski any conditions and any terrain. Join a ski course with Mark to find out more.

Mark’s Background:

Mark fell in love with skiing when he first skied at the age of 11. After a school trip to the Dolomites, he was hooked. He spent his teens skiing, racing slalom and instructing on a small dry slope in his home town in Essex. Regular trips to the Alps fueled his ambition to achieve in the sport.

In 1995, Mark left the UK and headed to Chamonix to pursue his dreams of becoming a ski instructor in France. At the time, only a few Brits had achieved this. In the year 2000, he became the first British qualified ski instructor to earn the right to teach at a French ski school in Chamonix. He spent the following two winters working as a trainee instructor at the Evolution 2 ski school and went on to complete his final international ski teacher diploma in 2003. This earned Mark the right to work independently and to teach off-piste skiing.

Mark founded All Mountain Performance in 2004, specialising in off-piste performance ski courses. Since, Mark has successfully opened the exciting realm off-piste skiing for thousands of skiers and is a leading provider of off-piste ski instruction.

As well as coaching the recreational public, he’s also been involved in training other ski instructors, competitors and high mountain guides. Mark’s ski coaching approach has earned him a renowned reputation for achieving excellent results with all levels.




Mark Gear skiing

For info about Mark Gear’s artwork and skiing paintings please visit:

