This may not be fun to read but it is important!

These are the terms and booking conditions for All Mountain Performance, ski courses and ski lessons with Mark Gear. Please read them carefully and contact us if you have any questions.

Terms and conditions:

Ski course: Refers to all courses. All skiing and professional courses as described on the website.

Private lessons: Refers to ski lessons that are private and not collective, as described on the website.

AMP: Refers to the abbreviation of the phrase “All Mountain Performance” which is the brand name of ski courses and lessons with Mark Gear

Instructor / coach: Refers to Mark Gear or another professional working on behalf of.

Agreeing to the booking conditions: By booking a ski course or lesson either by telephone, post or email you will be agreeing to these booking conditions. If you are booking on behalf of others you will also be taking on responsibility that the other members of your group have read and agree to these booking conditions. Please read them carefully and if there is anything you are unsure about please contact us immediately. All the booking conditions along with information on our website, brochures and any letters or emails that you have received form the basis for your contract with AMP ski courses and lessons with Mark Gear.

Insurance: AMP and or Mark Gear does not insure it’s clients (whether it’s for medical or rescue costs, against cancellation/curtailment losses, against the clients’ own liability to third parties, or any other type of insurance). Most sporting activities have an element of danger and skiing is no exception. Please ensure all members of your party have suitable insurance cover for medical and rescue costs, cancellation/curtailment and liability to third parties. We highly recommend that you are covered by a comprehensive winter sports insurance policy from a licensed agent. Some insurance covers lift closures due to adverse weather conditions or other unforeseen circumstances. We are not responsible for ski lift closures due to any circumstances. If booking a course or private lesson please ensure you have a policy that also covers skiing off piste. You may be asked for a copy of the policy before the course or lesson.

Prices: The ski course prices are guaranteed against any changes once you have booked.

Booking and payment for a ski course: A non-refundable and non-transferable deposit is asked for at the time of booking. Full payment is due 8 weeks before the commencement of the course.

Cancellation charges for courses: If you need to cancel your ski course the following cancellation charges will apply. Prior to 8 weeks before the course: loss of the deposit. Within 8 weeks to 0 weeks before the course: 100% loss of the course fee.  If you have to cancel due to illness, injury or other unforeseen circumstances we will happily write a letter for your travel insurance company so you may make a claim. To cancel, please notify us by email stating the fact that you are canceling.

Course canceled due to low number of bookings or another reason: We reserve the right to cancel a course at the last minute should we not have enough people to run the course. If there are less than 3 people booked on the course it may be canceled. There may be other reasons that we may need to cancel a course like due to unforeseen circumstances. If we cancel a course we will refund your ski course fee or issue you with a credit note for a future ski course. Mark Gear and or AMP are not responsible for any other costs incurred for your trip other than the ski course fee.

Cancellation charges for private ski lessons: If you need to cancel your private ski lessons, the following cancellation charges will apply. Prior to 8 weeks before the lesson: loss of deposit. Within 8 – 0 weeks: 100% loss of lesson fee. If you have to cancel due to illness, injury or other unforeseen circumstances, we will if you request write a letter for your travel insurance company explaining the facts so that you may make a claim.

Bookings: In the case of bookings for instruction to take place in the Chamonix Valley, we reserve the right to alter the venue of any group lesson or private lesson between the different ski areas of the Chamonix Valley in which we operates (Le Tour, La Vormaine, Les Grands Montets, Flegere, Brevent, Les Houches) at no less than 1 hours’ notice where this is deemed necessary in the opinion of  the instructor due to changing weather conditions, poor snow conditions, lift closure, or the skiing ability of the client or others undertaking instruction with the client. Should clients not show for the lessons booked and paid for, through ill health, injury or any other valid reason, no refund will be given. Nor will any refund be given in the event of lift closures due to adverse weather, change of venue or other circumstances outside the control of Mark Gear and or All Mountain Performance.  However, we will, if requested, provide a letter for submission to the client’s insurers setting out the fact of cancellation and the reason given by the client, or confirming the fact of lift closures.

Minimum skiing level: It is your responsibility to check our level finder page on the website to make sure you are booking onto the correct level course for your skiing ability and fitness level. If your instructor decides that your skiing level is too far bellow the minimum level required for the course and considers this to be unsafe and detrimental to your safety and progression, and the safety and progression of others in the group, you may be asked to leave the course for yours and others safety and progression.  If this happens, we will refund 25% of your course fee. The ski instructor will have the final decision on this.

Group sizes: Maximum: 6 per group. Private lessons: As booked –  maximum 6 per group.

Off piste skiing: If you are on a ski course or private lessons that involves off piste skiing.  Your ski instructor reserves the right to decide not to take you off piste if he or she feels the snow conditions are not suitable.

On snow course cancellation due to any type of weather conditions: We cannot issue any refunds for any on-snow time missed due to lift closure. Please check your insurance policy as it may cover you for lift closure.  This is between you and your insurance company.  If all lifts are closed due to weather or other issues we will if requested provide a letter for submission to the client’s insurers setting out the fact of cancellation and the reason. We will endeavour to run courses and lessons to the best of our ability using the ski lifts that are open. In the case of there being no lifts open we may run off-snow teaching sessions in the form of skiing video analysis and avalanche/mountain safety training.

In the case of the lifts not being open due to weather, snow conditions or another unforeseen reason: We cannot issue any refunds for any course time missed due to a lack of snow, bad weather or any other reason outside our reasonable control. Please check your insurance policy as some will cover this. In the unlikely event of there being not enough snow to ski in Chamonix, we will try to drive you to the closest ski resort that is open in France, within no more than a 1hr drive from Chamonix. This is only if the road conditions are suitable for driving. Any extra costs like lift passes needed for another resort will be paid by the client. In the case of there being no lifts open at all due to a lack of snow or another reason, we may run off-snow teaching sessions in the form of skiing video analysis and avalanche/mountain safety training. If we still can not offer any training at all that day, we will provide a letter for submission to your insurers so you can make a claim.

In the case of the lifts being open but snow conditions not sufficient for off-piste skiing: We will endeavour to run the course or lesson to the best of our ability, taking into account the snow cover and snow conditions at the time. Sometimes, the snow conditions are not favorable for off-piste skiing for various reasons. In this situation, your ski instructor may decide not to take you off-piste and ski on the pistes instead. The instructor will make the final decision on this based on safety and professional experience.

Off-snow activities: As part of the ski courses, we also provide some off-snow sessions in the form of video analysis. The structure and duration of these sessions may vary from course to course.

Welcome evening: On the evening before all ski courses, we hold a welcome meeting. This is normally at around 6:30pm.  The welcome meeting is an opportunity to meet the instructor, answer any questions you may have, and to hand out avalanche transceiver packs to clients who reserved them. Times for pick ups from your accommodation will also be available. If you cannot attend the welcome meeting, please let us know beforehand by telephone or email.

Video Feedback: We use a little video feedback each day as an extra tool to enhance the ski coaching. The video feedback is weather depending. This means if it’s snowing and or to foggy to film, the video feedback may be canceled for that day. No refund will be given for any missed video feedback sessions.

Transport: Most of Chamonix’s skiing is located a short drive/bus ride away from Chamonix town.  As part of our ski courses, we provide  minibus transport to and from the slopes. If our minibus is not available, due to unforeseen circumstances, like a breakdown or too much snow; then, the local public transport (bus service or train) will be used instead.

Accepting risk: By booking a course you will be taking advantage of a huge amount of experience and expertise. The instructor is very skilled at developing performance. Instructors are well trained in the safety aspects of skiing in the mountains. They can advise, help and lead you. However, skiing involves an element of risk which you must accept as inherent to the sport. You must take responsibility over your own actions and decisions when skiing on the mountain either by yourself or within a group course. It is known that accidents do happen as part of skiing. By booking on our ski courses or private lessons, you will be accepting the risk involved in skiing and accepting that accidents can happen. You will also be responsible for accepting whether to take part in any activity whether; an exercise, a particular technique, skiing a particular slope, skiing a particular speed, skiing particular snow conditions. The instructor, cannot be held responsible for an accident. If at any point you wish to not take part in an activity for any reason, then you must let the instructor know immediately.

Responsibility: The instructor is not responsible for how each skier chooses to ski. The ski instructor cannot be held responsible if you are involved in a skiing accident.

Following the instructor and the group: For your safety, it is very important to follow the instructor and the group whilst skiing at all times. The instructor will select on and off-piste terrain based on conditions on the day and development of performance. Skiing in off-piste terrain involves avoiding obstacles and dangers. It is very important that you follow the instructor and group and do not venture away from the group. If you do not follow the instructor and group, you do so at your own risk and responsibility.

Fitness level: It is your responsibility to make sure you are physical fit enough to ski all day over multiple days before attending a ski course. We will take regular breaks but ensuring your fitness level is adequate for the course is important. You should also be able to get up and put your skis back on unassisted in the event of a fall.

Walking: On some all mountain performance ski courses, the instructor may plan routes to access certain runs and itineraries to access superior snow conditions and interesting terrain. These may involve some walking. If this is a planned route the instructor will inform you beforehand. If the majority of the group wish to take the planned ski route or itinerary and you choose not to, you will have the option of opting out of this particular route. There will be no refund if you choose this option. The nature of off piste skiing also means that snow texture and conditions are constantly changing from day to day and hour to hour. This means that routes often have to be amended whilst on the move due to snow conditions and safety. On occasions routes may have to be amended that involve an element of walking. When booking onto any ski course you must be aware that this may happen.

Opting out: If you think you may opt out of a session for any reason please aim to do so before the start of the session and if possible let the instructor know before hand. If you choose to opt out during a session, the instructor will lead you to a safe place from where you can opt out. From this point you will be accepting all responsibility for yourself. Should you have an accident returning to your original destination this will be your responsibility. In certain situations when safety is an issue the instructor will inform you that opting out is not advised until the group reaches a more appropriate place. If you choose to go against this advice you may seriously endanger yourself and others that may have to be called to your rescue should you get into trouble. Should you choose to opt out you will be taking full responsibility for yourself and actions.

Being asked to leave the course: If the instructor feels that you are skiing or behaving in a manner that either endangers yourself, other members of the group or public or causes disruption within the group, the instructor will ask you to adjust your skiing and or behaviour accordingly. Failure to do so could result in being asked to leave the course for the safety of others. In this situation no refund will be given.

Safety equipment: On courses that involve off piste skiing, some avalanche safety equipment must be carried at all times by all skiers in the group. This involves wearing an transceiver properly and making sure it is switched on and transmitting a signal. Also carrying a probe and shovel in a backpack.

Instructor injured or sick: If Mark Gear or another ski instructor working on behalf of Mark Gear is injured or sick and is not able to ski, we will try to find a suitable replacement ski instructor. If it is not possible to find a replacement instructor, a refund or credit note for the course fee/time missed will be issued. Mark Gear and or AMP are not responsible for any other costs incurred for your trip other than the ski course fee.

Declaring existing illnesses and injuries: At the time of booking you must disclose any existing illnesses or injuries that could effect your ability to ski safely and competently and not place any undue risk on instructors, guides, other group members or members of the public. AMP or Mark Gear will decide whether any existing illnesses or injuries that are disclosed will place the instructor and or other clients at risk after taking advice from our insurance company and the relevant skiing governing bodies. Failure to disclose any existing illnesses or injuries could result in an instructor or guide refusing to take you in a group. In this situation refunds cannot be given.

Refunds: A refund can not be given for lift closures, or any weather conditions or other circumstances outside AMP’s and Mark Gear’s reasonable control. This includes without limitation, acts of God, weather, natural disasters, governmental actions, war or national emergency, acts of terrorism, protests, riot, civil commotion, fire, explosion, flood, epidemic, lock-­outs, black-outs, power-cuts, strikes or other labour disputes. A refund can not be given if you do not turn up at the meeting points in time.  A refund can not be given for clients not being able to attend due to illness, injury or any other circumstances. However, we will if requested provide a letter for submission to the client’s insurers setting out the fact of cancellation and the reason. A refund will only be given in the event of us being unable to deliver the course at all due to staff illness or injury. In this situation, if a replacement ski instructor can not be found, we will refund your course fee on a pro-rata basis for any course time missed or transfer credit for this missed time to a future course.

Liability: AMP occasionally uses the services of other instructors. Like in the event of Mark Gear being ill or injured and unable to ski. Other instructors are qualified through their governing body in their country of residence or the country in which they provide their service. Their membership through their professional organisation includes insurance to provide the services they are qualified to deliver. They are not employees of AMP. They are self employed professionals contracted in. When under their care your contract is directly with them. Should you be involved in any dispute involving an instructor or where the dispute involves insurance then this will be directly with the organisation that provides their insurance, not AMP or Mark Gear.

All Courses: The client’s insurance must be suitable for off-piste skiing. Ideally, the insurance should cover off piste skiing unaccompanied. Please check the policy.

All Private Lessons: If the client desires to ski off piste during the private lesson, the clients insurance policy must cover this.  It is the clients responsibility to check that their insurance covers off piste skiing.

FIS Skiers Code of Conduct: It is the responsibility of every skier whether skiing by themselves, or in a group, with or without a ski instructor to adhere to the FIS skiers Code of Conduct as listed below. Failure to do so, could lead to civil and criminal liability in the event of an accident.

Here are the 10 FIS code of conduct rules.

1. Respect for Others. Skiers must behave in such a way that they do not endanger or prejudice others. Skiers are responsible for their behaviour and their equipment.

2. Control of Speed and Skiing. Skiers must ski in control. They must adapt their speed and manner of skiing to their personal ability and to the prevailing conditions.

3. Choice of Route. Skiers coming from behind must choose their route so as to not endanger skiers ahead. In other words, the skier in front / below always has priority.

4. Overtaking. Skiers may overtake other skiers above or below and to the right or the left, provided they leave enough space for the overtaken skier to make any voluntary or involuntary movement.

5. Entering and Starting. Skiers entering a marked run or setting off must look up and down the run to make sure that they can do so without endangering themselves or others.

6. Stopping on the Piste. Unless absolutely necessary, skiers must avoid stopping on the piste in narrow places or where visibility is restricted. After a fall in such a place the skier must move clear of the piste as soon as possible.

7. Climbing and Descending on Foot. Whether climbing or descending on foot, Skiers must keep to the side of the piste.

8. Respect for Signs and Markings. Skiers must respect all signs and markings.

9. Assistance. At Accidents All skiers are duty-bound to assist. Hit and run offence in skiing will incur a criminal conviction similar to hit and run offence on the road.

10. Identification. All skiers and witnesses, whether a responsible party or not, must exchange names and addresses following an accident.Further Information

The full explanation of these 10 rules can be viewed at the official FIS website. We suggest you read them at:

Complaints: If you have any complaints please speak directly to the ski instructor immediately during your ski course or private lesson. They will help rectify the problem as soon as possible if they can. Failure to speak with anyone during your stay could invalidate any complaint you may choose to make after your lesson or ski course. If you are still unsatisfied after your ski course or lesson, please write to us directly.